call 970 985-9671 to place order and payment options
I (Jo) was introduced to the benefits of CBD 14 years ago when TUX my year-old lab began having seizures. Being that I couldn’t find any CBD product at the time I started researching and searching for the finest CBD I could and started formulating a CBD oil (tincture) that would keep my pup seizure-free for the following 15 years of his life.
My best friend, Terri, was working with the VA at the time I was working with CBD and pets when she asked me if I would be interested in expanding my knowledge and scope in order to offer CBD products to the public, this was the beginning of our journey together and the seed that turned into Canna Comfort Care.
We hope to continue formulating and offering quality CBD products while keeping our customers' questions and concerns our top priority. With that in mind, feel free to contact either me, Jo, or Terri by e-mail or phone. ;)